Awards and media


Diagendo is honoured to have recently been awarded with three top prizes by prestigious and independent bodies:

Polish Product of the Future

In category “The Enterprenuer’s Product of the Future " April 20th, 2023

The award in the Polish Product of the Future Contest for EndoRNA qRT-PCR test in the amount of 100 000 PLN was financed from the resources of 2.4.1. POIR „Centrum analiz i pilotaży nowych instrumentów inno_LAB"

EEC Startup Challenge

In category “Health & Biotechology" April 25th, 2023


In catgory “Start-Up Innovations” March 23rd, 2023


0 mln
women worldwide suffer from endometriosis
0 years
the average time needed to diagnose endometriosis using currently available methods
0 days
the average time needed to diagnose endometriosis using the innovative EndoRNA test
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